
Revision as of 11:48, 11 September 2013 by Ken (Talk | contribs)

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Introduction comes here... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ac lobortis nibh. Sed et lectus et dolor convallis sagittis id a sem. Nulla interdum nunc et urna hendrerit at pellentesque risus convallis. Proin a turpis nunc, eu tincidunt arcu. Etiam magna turpis, facilisis id placerat et, congue eu nisi. Vivamus euismod nulla id elit laoreet placerat eu eu nisi. Morbi id libero quam, nec rhoncus diam.

Fusce cursus turpis feugiat odio consectetur consequat. Donec lacinia velit a orci posuere condimentum. Proin interdum sem sodales velit iaculis a consequat risus faucibus. Suspendisse quam odio, consequat a porta nec, varius eu arcu. Proin erat dui, vestibulum id rhoncus venenatis, porta ut eros. Pellentesque at libero nec turpis scelerisque feugiat id in risus. Proin sollicitudin dapibus nibh, quis adipiscing nisi aliquam id. Pellentesque habitant morbi.

Sample image.png


Martin Fiala, Thomas Moeken, Ken Chen, Xi Guo



3899 days ago
Score 1+-
General Comments: The group had a clear goal and a well-defined and achievable (knock on wood…!) scope from design computation point of view based on your slides 2, 3 and 4. However, there needs be more subjective goals and architectural ambition. Since you have defined your scope well, you need to now think about how you will manifest your topology/morphology by using generative systems.


3899 days ago
Score 0+-
Site Analysis: Try to have more analytical approach to your site study diagrams. The diagrams should be clear in terms of what your interpretations are.


3899 days ago
Score 0+-
Global geometry/macro scale: There is no clear idea as to how you would approach the form finding process for the global geometry of your pavilion. Based on your approach and your focus on the envelope, you need to define the physicality of your skin system. If you are serious about using agent based system to simulate the flow of pedestrians on site in order to evaluate where to place the pavilion, and also explore operable façade system, strategize now! Apart from determining where to place your pavilion, you should also think about what evaluation criteria would be informing the global geometry of the pavilion design.


3899 days ago
Score 0+-
Meso&micro Scale (Skin): You have good references. You should start to think about what your skin system would be and define the topology. Is your skin structural as well? Where and how does the structural aspect of your pavilion fit in/in which scale?
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